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Library Media Center

J.C. Parks Elementary Library Media Center

Library Media Specialist

Your child will visit the library one day a week this school year, a specifically assigned day each week.  Please review the following information so that our students will have an awesome experience this school year! 

The School Library Association believes that the purpose of a school library is:

  • to provide a flexible space with a wide and inclusive range of resources to support learning and teaching throughout the school.
  • to have a vibrant role in the development of a culture that promotes wider reading, motivated readers and learners for life.
  • to provide a place for collaborative learning, creativity, and for developing independent research and information literacy skills.

Office 365/Destiny Access to Resources

As much as possible we would like for students to be using their Office 365.  This is where students can access Word, PowerPoint, DreamBox, and more.  Destiny, our library catalog, is available in Office 365 as well.  Students can see what books they have checked out, fines due, books available for check out, newly added titles, and eBooks.  CCPS purchases eBooks every month that are free through our Destiny and are compatible on all devices.  These books cover a variety of genres and some have an audio function so that it can be read to students.  This feature is also supportive of our ESOL students and families.  

If you access the collections, I have started a collection of useful links.  There is a link to our PebbleGo! subscription that allows access without a username and password.  This newly designed PebbleGo! is more compatible with tablets and offers quite a bit of information and fun learning for our primary grades.  The databases provided through CCPS are accessible through my collection as well. 

How Do I Keep My Kid Safe on the Internet?

J.C. Parks Elementary Library Collections

We looking forward to another wonderful year with our Mustang students and families.  Please do not hesitate to reach out to  by calling the school with any questions or concerns.